Exporting and Importing Workflows using XML

Using the Flux APIs, you can easily export your workflows to XML, then import them into a different environment.

This can be useful in a variety of situations – for example:

  • Moving workflows from development to production.
  • Upgrading to a newer Flux release with a new database schema.
  • Migrating between databases (e.g., moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL)

NOTE: if you are running a secured engine, use only the code marked “Secured Engine” in the steps below. If you are using an unsecured engine, use the “Unsecured Engine” code instead.

The export/import process can be completed as follows (where source designates the existing Flux environment, and target designates the environment that data will be copied into):

  1. If it does not already exist, create a new database schema for the target environment.
  2. Run the export code (see below) in the source environment. This will save all of the running workflow data to an XML file.
  3. Run the export repository code in the source environment. This will save the repository to a separate XML file.
  4. Make sure all Flux engines from the source environment are disposed.
  5. Run the import running workflows code in the target environment.
  6. Run the import repository code in the target environment.

Export Running Workflows

The following code exports all running workflows to an XML file:

import flux.*;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ExportFlows {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NotBoundException, EngineException, RemoteException, FileNotFoundException {
//    Look up the engine on the specified host and port, with the SSL setting given.
        Engine engine = Factory.makeInstance().lookupEngine("localhost", 7520, true);
        try {
//      Edit this to use a valid login for your engine.
//      If security is not enabled, comment out the line below, as well as the
//      try / finally block and the logout line.
            engine.login("admin", "admin");

            List workflows = new ArrayList();
            FlowChartIterator fcit = engine.get();
            try {
                while (fcit.hasNext()) {
            } finally {
//      Export the workflows to XML - make sure to update
//      the path to a location on your own server.
            EngineHelper.makeXmlFromFlowCharts(workflows, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/workflows.xml"), true);
        } finally {

Import Running Workflows

The following code loads an XML file and imports all running workflows onto the target engine:

import flux.*;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;

public class ImportFlows {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NotBoundException, EngineException, RemoteException, FileNotFoundException {
//    Look up the engine on the specified host and port, with the SSL setting given.
Engine engine = Factory.makeInstance().lookupEngine("localhost", 7520, true);
try {
//      Edit this to use a valid login for your engine.
//      If security is not enabled, comment out the line below, as well as the
//      try / finally block and the logout line.
engine.login("admin", "admin");
//     Make sure to use the same file path that you previously exported to.
List<FlowChart> workflows = EngineHelper.makeFlowChartsFromXml(new FileInputStream("/path/to/workflows.xml"), true);
//      Add the flows to the engine.
for (FlowChart workflow : workflows) {
} finally {

Export Repository Workflows

The following code exports all repository workflows to an XML file:

import flux.*;
import flux.repository.RepositoryAdministrator;
import flux.repository.RepositoryElement;
import flux.repository.RepositoryIterator;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ExportFlows {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NotBoundException, EngineException, RemoteException, FileNotFoundException {
//    Look up the engine on the specified host and port, with the SSL setting given.
        Engine engine = Factory.makeInstance().lookupEngine("localhost", 7520, true);
        try {
//      Edit this to use a valid login for your engine.
//      If security is not enabled, comment out the line below, as well as the
//      try / finally block and the logout line.
            engine.login("admin", "admin");
            List<FlowChart> workflows = new ArrayList<FlowChart>();
            RepositoryAdministrator repoAdmin = engine.getRepositoryAdministrator();
            RepositoryIterator repoIt = repoAdmin.get("/");
            try {
                while (repoIt.hasNext()) {
                    RepositoryElement repoEl = repoIt.next();
                    if (repoEl.isFlowChart()) {
            } finally {
//    Exoport the workflows to XML - make sure to update the path below to a
//    location on your own server.
            EngineHelper.makeXmlFromFlowCharts(workflows, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/repository-workflows.xml"), true);
        } finally {

Import Repository Workflows

The following code loads an XML file and imports all repository workflows from that file onto an engine:

import flux.*;
import flux.repository.RepositoryAdministrator;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;

public class ImportFlows {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NotBoundException, EngineException, RemoteException, FileNotFoundException {
//    Look up the engine on the specified host and port, with the SSL setting given.
        Engine engine = Factory.makeInstance().lookupEngine("localhost", 7520, true);
        try {
//      Edit this to use a valid login for your engine.
//      If security is not enabled, comment out the line below, as well as the
//      try / finally block and the logout line.
            engine.login("admin", "admin");
//      Make sure to use the same file path that you previously exported to.
            List<FlowChart> workflows = EngineHelper.makeFlowChartsFromXml(new FileInputStream("/path/to/repository-workflows.xml"), true);
            RepositoryAdministrator repoAdmin = engine.getRepositoryAdministrator();
//      Add the flows to the engine.
            for (FlowChart workflow : workflows) {
//        Overwrites any existing workflows with the same name – set the second argument
//        to false if you do not want to overwrite.
                repoAdmin.put(workflow, true);
        } finally {