Changing the Engine Password for Engine Startup

By default, the Flux engine starts up using the username ‘admin’ and the password ‘admin’. If you desire to change this startup password you need to:

  • Start the engine and operations console using this default
  • Then edit the password of the admin user using the Security/User tab in the Flux user interface.
  • Save the new password.
  • Stop the Flux engine.
  • Edit the engine scripts for the engine to use the new password.

For a Windows machine running Flux from the command line, edit the start-engine.bat file.

%JAVA_CMD% flux.Main server -cp config\ -username admin -password newPassword start

For a Windows machine, edit the shutdown-engine.bat file.

$JAVA_CMD flux.Main server -cp config/ -username admin -password newPassword dispose

For a Windows machine running Flux as a Windows service installation, edit the /service/windows/engine.conf file. = server = -cp = config\\ = -username = admin = -password = newPassword = start

For a Unix machine, edit the file.

$JAVA_CMD flux.Main server -cp config/ -username admin -password newPassword start

For a Unix machine, edit the file.

$JAVA_CMD flux.Main server -cp config/ -username admin -password newPassword dispose

For a Unix service installation edit the /etc/init.d flux-engine.

ENGINE_START="flux.Main server -cp $ENGINE_CONF -username admin -password newPassword start"
FLUX_STOP="flux.Main client -cp $ENGINE_CONF -username admin -password flux newPassword dispose"

Start the Flux engine again and confirm it starts with the new password in place.

LDAP Authentication Note

If you start the engine with a username other than “admin”, and LDAP authentication is enabled, the username will be authenticated against LDAP before the engine is started.

If you start the engine with a username other than “admin”, and LDAP authentication is not enabled, the username will be authenticated against the Flux user table in the Flux database before the engine is started.

In all cases the username “admin” is authenticated against the Flux user table in the Flux database itself, and not against LDAP, before the engine is started.