Core Triggers and Actions - Delay Trigger

The Delay Trigger is needed when you want to wait for a certain amount of time, unlike a timer trigger, which fires on a set schedule. The Delay Trigger is particularly useful in default error handlers where you need to pause for a time before retrying a particular action.

The following attributes are available for configuration on a DelayTrigger:

  • The count describes how many times the delay trigger will fire before it expires.
  • The delay time expression specifies either the amount of time the delay trigger will wait.
  • The expiration flow indicates the flow the timer trigger will take when it expires (the count reaches 0).
  • The expiration time expression specifies the time that a delay trigger will expire.


The Delay Trigger returns its result in the flow context variable “result”. The result contains a boolean indicating whether the trigger has expired. You can access the result from the following field:

Flow Context Variable Field Java Type Description Prescript / Postscript Example
RESULT result boolean Indicates whether the delay trigger has expired. If true, the delay trigger fired normally; if false, the delay trigger has expired. boolean expired = flowContext.get("RESULT").result; System.out.println("Expired? " + result);  

Passing Results with a Runtime Data Map

You can use a Runtime Data Map to copy the result field into a new variable (for future reference or to reuse the data later in the workflow).

To copy the result, you can use a data map like:

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