Upgrading Flux

Upgrading Flux allows you to take advantage of the latest improvements, bug fixes, and new features that Flux has to offer. We recommend always running Flux on the newest version possible, both to take advantage of the increased stability offered as new bug fixes are added, and to provide easier to new features in the future.

The more up-to-date your Flux installation is, the easier it will be to upgrade to newer versions of Flux down the line.

This guide documents the steps required to upgrade your Flux installation.

Getting Started

To install your Flux upgrade, you will first need a little information about your existing Flux environment and the version you plan to upgrade to.

To different between version numbers, each Flux release has three identifiers: the major version, the minor version, and the maintenance version. These are arranged like so:

Flux ..

For example, your Flux version may be “Flux 8.0.13”, “Flux 7.9.4”, or similar.

There are two types of Flux upgrades:

  • Major or minor upgrades. These upgrades contain considerable changes from previous Flux versions (UI updates or major functionality changes) and may require database schema changes, API changes, or engine configuration changes.
  • Maintenance upgrades. These upgrades only contain bug fixes and minor improvements. Maintenance upgrades do not require database schema changes, API changes, or engine configuration changes.

If your existing Flux installation and the version you are upgrading to share both a major and minor version, but the maintenance version is different, then this is a maintenance upgrade. Follow the maintenance upgrade instructions below to upgrade your Flux installation.

If your existing Flux installation and the version you are upgrading to have a different major or minor version, this is a major or minor upgrade. Follow the major or minor upgrade instructions below to upgrade your Flux installation.

Maintenance Upgrades

To install a maintenance upgrade:

  1. Shut down any engine or Operations Console instances that are running.
  2. Download and extract the new Flux version to your system.
  3. [If this is not an evaluation version of Flux] Place your Flux license key file in the Flux directory and run the configure script located there to install the key.
  4. Copy the flux.jar and flux.war files from the new release over your existing ones.
  5. Copy all of the files from the /lib folder of the new release into the /lib folder of the existing installation. Select "Yes" if prompted to replace any existing files.
  6. If you run Flux using the provided .bat or .sh scripts, replace all .bat / .sh files in with the copies from the new version.
  7. If you run Flux using the Windows services, replace all /service/windows .conf files with the copies from the new version.
  8. Restart your engine(s) and web application(s).

That’s it! Your new Flux version is now installed and ready to run.

Major or Minor Upgrades

To upgrade to Flux 8.2, you must be using an 8.0.13 release.

If you are not sure which Flux release you are using or you need assistance upgrading to Flux 8.2, contact support@flux.ly for more information.

A Flux 8.2 License Key is required to run Flux 8.2. Flux 8.2 license keys can be found on the Flux Support Portal or by reaching out to support@flux.ly for assistance.

All updates are cumulative of all prior updates. Updates are distributed as zip files. Follow these directions to apply the update. To upgrade to Flux 8.2, you must be using an 8.0.13 release.

  1. Shut down any Flux engine and Operations Console instances that are running.
  2. Download and extract the new Flux version to your system. Download the .zip version of the release from Flux Support Portal.
  3. Unzip the downloaded zip file to a temporary directory.
  4. Delete the flux directory inside the */webapp/* directory.
  5. Copy the flux.jar and flux.war files from the new release over your existing ones (that is, */flux.jar* and */webapp/flux.war*).
  6. Copy the lib directory from the temporary directory into */lib/* directory>
  7. Copy the .sh files from the new release over to your existing one.
  8. Delete “log4j-1.2.5.jar” from the lib folder.
  9. Restart your engine(s) and web application(s).