Web Service Actions - Rest Action

Invokes a REST service with support for SSL encryption, security certificates, multipart messages, and other REST capabilities.


Action Type

Sets the kind of HTTP action to perform against the REST service. Valid actions include GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Base URL

Sets the base URL that defines how the REST service is accessed and used.

Query Parameters

Sets the optional input string data that are used as query parameters to the REST service.

Request Content Type

Sets the optional “Content-Type” header in the HTTP request to the REST service. Typical content types include “text/plain” and “text/xml”.

Request Entity

Sets the optional request entity to be sent with an HTTP POST or PUT action.

Response Type

Sets the type of the response from the REST service.

The RestAction API has two variants:

public void setXpathResponseType(Class xpathResponseType);

which is used in Java APIs; and

public void setXpathResponseTypeAsString(String xpathResponseType);

Which is used in the Designer.

Username and Password

Sets the optional password used to access the REST service, assuming the service is secured with basic authentication.

Preemptive Authentication

Sets whether the client should send an authentication request even before the server gives a 401 response.

Interactive Authentication

Sets whether the client should interactively prompt for credentials should it receive a 401 response.

XPath Expression

Sets the optional XPath expression used to query the response from the REST service.

XML Namespaces

Sets the optional XML namespaces for resolving an XPath query. The key to the map is the namespace prefix. The corresponding value is the target namespace.

XPath response type

Sets the optional type of the response from an XPath query.


Sets whether the client should use SSL for communication.

Body Parts

Sets the body parts, commonly called file attachments, that are set in a multipart HTTP request to the REST service. The key to each property is the name of the body part. The corresponding value is a filename that references the contents of that body part.

HTTP Headers

Sets the optional headers set in the HTTP request to the REST service. Typical headers include “User-Agent: Flux Scheduler/7.10”. The User-Agent header contains information about the user agent originating the request.


The Rest Action returns its results in the flow context variable “result”. These results include the response code and status from the server, as well as response type metadata:

Flow Context Variable Field Java Type Description Prescript / Postscript Example
RESULT responseCode int The HTTP response code from the server after invoking the REST service. int responseCode = flowContext.get("RESULT").responseCode; System.out.println("Response code: " + responseCode);
RESULT responseStatus String The HTTP response status from the server after invoking the REST service. String responseStatus = flowContext.get("RESULT").responseStatus; | System.out.println("Response status: " + responseStatus);
RESULT result Object The object returned from the REST service call. Object result = flowContext.get("RESULT").result; | System.out.println("Result: " + result);
RESULT type String The HTTP media type of the object contained in the “result” field. String type = flowContext.get("RESULT").type; System.out.println("Response type: " + type);

Passing Results with a Runtime Data Map

You can use a Runtime Data Map to copy one of the result fields into a new variable (for future reference or to reuse the data later in the workflow).

You can save the results into a new variable like so:

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