Database Triggers and Actions

In Flux, database actions are used for testing if the data in a database meets certain conditions, updating databases, querying databases, and calling stored procedures.

The information on this page applies to all of the database triggers and actions available; for more information about a particular trigger or action, see the specific page for that item.

Supported Databases

Unlike the Flux engine itself, database triggers and actions have no restrictions on the database types they can interact with. Database triggers and actions can use any database that has a JDBC driver available.

To configure a trigger or action to use your database, just set either the Direct JDBC or Data Source connection properties as described below.


The following properties are available on all database triggers and actions.

Direct JDBC vs. Data Source

Database triggers and actions can either connect to your database directly (using JDBC) or by using a data source from an application server.

When configuring your trigger or action, note that only one group of settings (either data source or direct JDBC) should be used. It is an error to set both groups of properties when configuring a trigger or action.

Built-in Database Connection Used

This property is a boolean (true/false) value indicating whether Flux should use a built-in database connection (that is, a connection from the same pool that the Flux engine itself uses), or whether it should obtain a database connection separately from the engine. This property must be set to “false” if you are using a different set of database tables or a different schema than the ones Flux itself uses.

If you have configured the database trigger or action to use a direct JDBC or a data source connection, be sure that this property is also set to “false”.

SQL Server Authentication

java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Login failed for user 'user'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

When using an external database connection (“Built-in Database Connection” property set to false) with a Flux database trigger or action to connect to a SQL Server instance, the SQL Server instance must be configured to allow non-Windows users to authenticate with the SQL Server instance. This can be done by configuring “Mixed Mode” or “SQL Server Authentication” in the SQL Server instance. Configuring SQL Server to support “Mixed Mode” or “SQL Server Authentication” will solve the above error.

For more information, see: Basic Connectivity Troubleshooting in Getting Started with Microsoft JDBC.

Alternatively, Flux can be configured to use “Windows Authentication” to connect to a SQL Server instance. Windows Authentication is supported only when Flux is running on a Windows machine and requires changing the command line used to start Flux to reference a Microsoft .DLL file. For more information for using Windows Authentication, see: Connecting with Integrated Authentication.

Data Source Properties

The following properties can be set to instruct the database trigger or action to use a data source from an application server. If these properties are used, the Direct JDBC properties can not be set.

Data Source

The name of an application server’s data source used to retrieve database connections.

Data Source Initial Context Factory

The initial context factory used to look up an application server’s data source for retrieving database connections.

Data Source Initial Context Password

The password used to access an application server.

Data Source Initial Context Username

The username used to access an application server.

Data Source Initial Context Provider URL

The network location used to look up an application server’s data source for retrieving database connections.

Data Source Username

The username used to access a data source in an application server.

Data Source Password

The password used to access a data source in an application server.

Direct JDBC Properties

The following properties can be set to instruct the database trigger or action to obtain connections directly from the database. If these properties are used, the Data Source properties can not be set.

JDBC Driver

The JDBC driver class name that is used to look up direct connections to a database.

JDBC Password

The password that is used to look up direct connections to a database.


The network location of a database for looking up direct connections to a database.

JDBC Username

The username that is used to lookup direct connections to a database.