Operations Console Home Page


The dashboard page contains a list of all of the workflows that are actively running on the connected engine cluster.

Here, you can get an overview of the state of each workflow, along with the trigger or action it’s executing now and the engine location where it’s running, and view the status messages that your workflow generates.

Unlike the Repository, all of the workflows on the home page are actively running, or have recently been completed. This means that if you monitor or edit any of these workflows, you’ll see the current data that the workflow is using at runtime — for workflows that dynamically modify or generate data, this means that you’ll see the data that’s actively in use, rather than the data that was statically assigned at workflow creation time.

For example, in the case of the Timer Trigger, you’ll see that the scheduled trigger date is always updated to reflect the next scheduled firing time, even if the scheduled trigger date wasn’t originally set when the workflow was exported.

If you edit a running workflow, your changes will be applied alongside this dynamic data. If you export the workflow to the engine after editing, the changes will be applied to the active running copy of the workflow, and won’t affect any other instances of the workflow saved elsewhere (for example, this wouldn’t affect any workflows saved in the Repository).

If you edit a running workflow and save it to the repository, this also means that the dynamic data from the flow chart at the time of editing will be saved as part of the static data for the flow chart in the repository — even properties that weren’t originally set in a previously saved copy of the workflow.

For this reason, it is generally best practice to edit from the home page only when you need to adjust the current runtime data of the workflow; if you want to modify the static data of a stored workflow, it is typically best to edit from the Repository instead.